
Hortense Trendelenburg

Dr. Hortense Trendelenburg

Lawyer ("Rechtsanwältin"), Solicitor (England & Wales)
Partner, Managing Director

Insolvency law

Atticus Legal Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 36
60325 Frankfurt am Main

Direct Dial + 49 (0) 69 90 72 00 30 2
Switchboard + 49 (0) 69 90 72 00 30 0

Dr. Hortense Trendelenburg advises German and international enterprises on questions of corporate and insolvency law. Among her clients are industrial enterprises, funds and banks. She focuses on (cross-border) M&A transactions, public takeovers and restructurings, and also advises on related tax questions. In addition, she advises on questions of stock corporation law and transformation law and on preparing annual general meetings of stock corporations.

Dr. Hortense Trendelenburg studied law at the University of Freiburg and was admitted as a lawyer in 1999 and as a solicitor (England & Wales) in 2005. She has worked for several international law firms, among them Linklaters LLP (previously Oppenhoff & Rädler), at whose Frankfurt office she started her career as a lawyer in 1999 and to whose London office she was seconded for a while, and Taylor Wessing Partnerschaftsgesellschaft, where she was a partner at the Frankfurt office from 2006 to 2011. In 2011, she became partner and managing director of Atticus Legal Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH.

Dr. Hortense Trendelenburg has inter alia advised Electra Partners on the disposal of Deutsche Woolworth, SonoSite on the public takeover of CardioDynamics Group and Deutsche Real Estate on a corporate restructuring. She regularly delivers presentations on current topics, e.g. at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, EUROFORUM, FORUM or in-house at banks or other enterprises. In addition, she is the (co-)author of the following publications:

  • Trendelenburg, "Effect of a contribution in lieu of equity also in case of financing by (silent) shareholders" ("Eigenkapitalersetzende Wirkung auch bei Finanzierung nur durch (stille) Gesellschafter"), comment to BGH’s decision of January 23, 2018 – II ZR 246/15, BB 2018, 851
  • Trendelenburg/Klümpen-Neusel, Statutory Framework for Family Offices (“Rechtlicher Rahmen für Family Offices“) , in: Werkmüller (ed.), Family Office Management, 3rd ed. 2016, p. 49 et seq.
  • Trendelenburg, Impermissible Job Restriction: Changing from the Management Board to the Advisory Board Must be Possible Again (“Unzulässiges Berufsverbot: Wechsel vom Vorstand in den Aufsichtsrat muss wieder erlaubt sein”) , FAZ of December 31, 2015, p. 16
  • Trendelenburg, Agreement on Remuneration by the Managing Director of a Limited Liability Company General Partner by way of Self-Dealing (“In-Sich-Vereinbarung über eine Gehaltsvereinbarung durch Geschäftsführer einer Komplementär-GmbH“), comment to BGH’s decision of April 14, 2014 – II ZR 44/13, BB 2014, 2131
  • Trendelenburg, No Special Dispensation from Liability pursuant to Sec 708 of the German Civil Code (“BGB”) in Case of a Breach of Duty in a Single Case (“Keine Haftungsprivilegierung nach § 708 BGB bei mangelnder Sorgfalt nur im Einzelfall”), comment to BGH’s decision of September 24, 2013 – II ZR 391/12, BB 2014, 18
  • Trendelenburg, A Split that does not Maintain the Existing Shareholding Ratios also Comprises the Possibility of a "Zero Split" ("'Nicht verhältniswahrende Spaltung' umfasst auch die Möglichkeit der 'Spaltung zu Null'"), comment to OLG München's resolution of July 10, 2013 – 31 Wx 131/13, BB 2013, 1940
  • Trendelenburg/Zillmann, Subordinated Claim to Repayment of the Atypical Silent Shareholder Contribution in Insolvency Proceedings ("Nachrangige Rückforderung der Einlage des atypisch stillen Gesellschafters in der Insolvenz"), comment to BGH's decision of June 26, 2012 – IX ZR 191/11, BB 2012, 2974
  • Trendelenburg/Kleiner, Construction of Compensation Payment Clauses in a Limited Liability Company ("Auslegung von Abfindungsklauseln bei der GmbH"), comment to BGH's decision of February 10, 2011 – II ZR 279/09, BB 2011, 3089
  • Trendelenburg/Stafflage, Contributions in Lieu of Equity can also be Made by a Usufructuary ("Eigenkapitalersatz auch beim Nießbrauchsberechtigten"), comment to BGH's resolution of April 5, 2011 – II ZR 173/10, BB 2011, 1940
  • Trendelenburg/Kewitz, Payments in Ponzi Schemes are usually Payments on Fictitious Gains ("Auszahlungen bei Schneeballsystemen sind üblicherweise Zahlungen auf Scheingewinne"), comment to BGH's decision of February 10, 2011 – II ZR 18/10, BB 2011, 980
  • Trendelenburg/Aretz, Liability without Advice (“Haftung ohne Beratung”), FAZ of August 4, 2010, p. 19
  • Trendelenburg/Kornatz, No Economic Re-establishment because of Customary Preparation Times before the Start of Business (“Keine wirtschaftliche Neugründung bei üblichen Vorlaufzeiten bis zur Aufnahme des Geschäftsbetriebs“), comment to BGH’s decision of January 18, 2010 – II ZR 31/09, BB 2010, 791
  • Trendelenburg, Overindebtedness pursuant to the Financial Market Stabilisation Act – No Need to Fear the Business Prognosis (“Überschuldung nach dem Finanzmarktstabilisierungsgesetz – keine Angst vor der Fortführungsprognose“), GmbHR 2009, R257
  • Trendelenburg, Let the Banks Come (“Lasset die Banken zu ihnen kommen“), Financial Times Deutschland of June 17, 2009, p. 24
  • Trendelenburg, Services of the Shareholder Do Not Qualify as Contributions in Kind to a Limited Liability Company (“Dienstleistungen des GmbH-Gesellschafters sind nicht sacheinlagefähig“), comment to BGH’s decision of February 16, 2009 – IX ZR 71/08 („Qivive“), BB 2009, 973
  • Trendelenburg, The Rules regarding Contributions in Lieu of Equity Do Not Apply if the Affiliated Companies are Stock Corporations which are not Subject to Directions (“Keine Anwendung der Eigenkapitalersatzregeln bei gesellschaftsrechtlicher Verbindung über weisungsfreie Aktiengesellschaften”), comment to BGH’s decision of May 5, 2008 – VI ZR 108/07, BB 2008, 1421
  • Trendelenburg, The Notarisation of Share Purchase Agreements and Corporate Measures after the Reform of the Swiss Law of Obligations (“Die Beurkundung von Anteilskaufverträgen und gesellschaftsrechtlichen Maßnahmen nach der Reform des Schweizer Obligationenrechts“), GmbHR 2008, 644
  • Trendelenburg, “The Decision Gives Legal Security to Managing Directors and Lessens Risks of Liability“ (“Das Urteil schafft Rechtssicherheit für Geschäftsführer und verringert Haftungsgefahren“), comment to BGH’s decision of December 18, 2007 – VI ZR 231/06, BB 2008, 520
  • Trendelenburg, Asset Deal Agreements – The Principle of Specification regarding the Transfer of Assets, Liabilities and Agreements (“Asset-Deal-Kaufverträge – Der Bestimmtheitsgrundsatz bei der Übertragung von Vermögensgegenständen, Verbindlichkeiten und Verträgen“), MDR 2003, 1329
  • Trendelenburg, Consequences of a Void Capital Increase for the Validity of Further Capital Increases of a Stock Corporation (“Auswirkungen einer nichtigen Kapitalerhöhung auf die Wirksamkeit nachfolgender Kapitalerhöhungen bei Aktiengesellschaften“), NZG 2003, 860
  • Trendelenburg, Cross-Border Mergers: Problems and Solutions, International Business Lawyer 2002, 69
  • Trendelenburg, The Profit and Loss Transfer and Domination Agreement during the Crisis of the Parent Company (“Der Gewinnabführungs- und Beherrschungsvertrag in der Krise der Obergesellschaft“), NJW 2002, 647
  • Trendelenburg, The Transfer of an Adequate Amount by Self-Employed People pursuant to Sec 295 para 2 Insolvency Code (“Die Abführung eines angemessenen Betrages durch Selbständige gemäß § 295 Abs. 2 InsO“), ZInsO 2000, 437
  • Trendelenburg, Discharge in Germany from an International Point of View, International Insolvency Review 2000, 111
  • Trendelenburg, Discharge (“Restschuldbefreiung“), Nomos-Verlag, 2000 (doctoral thesis)